Lifespan 11 x 18.5 feet. Outdoor Storage Shed, 11 x 18.5, Desert Sand
About this product
The Lifetime 11' Shed Series is 15% taller than the 8' Shed Series, providing more space for your storage needs
Exterior Dimensions: 132" W x 222" D x 112" H; Interior Dimensions: 120. 5" W x 200. 5" deep x 79. 110. 2" high; Door opening dimensions: 9' wide x 6' 5" high
Sturdy steel construction; UV resistant to prevent weather damage
Attractive look and design; Customizable shelving and Storage System
60236 include models 6426 (1 box), 0125 (1 box) and 60187 (5 boxes). If the box is lost, please call Lifetime Customer Service.
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Customer ReviewsJ.*****ter
Cost-effective storage solution, relatively easy for 1 person to construct.